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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's a trick, not a treat!!!

Be afraid, be very afraid!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I think this says it all.....

I don't know who Lisa Benson is, but she does good work.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Spreading It"

Spreading the wealth? Spreading the crap! That's what I heard this morning. I just heard Ron Gettelfinger's interview on WJR. When Paul W said spreading the wealth was Socialism, Gettelfinger laughed him of. He said, "you can put your political spin on....". Huh? It shouldn't have surprised me, but with the truth sitting on Gettelfinger's face, he doesn't recognize it. Or worse yet, he agrees with it.

Gettelfinger represents the majority of Barry supporters. They hear or see the truth, but they refuse to believe it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colon Powell

Well, Colon is now endorsing Barry. I guess he's looking for a place in the cabinet.

Driver's Licenses for Illegals?

Today, Barry announced he supported giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens. It's another great opportunity for McCain. Will he jump on it, or will he let this one pass? Time will tell.

If giving them licenses is going to be a sting operation, I'm all for it. They come in to get their licenses and we deport them. Pretty neat idea.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thank You moveon.org

I finally received my bama button from moveon. It is a chintzy stamped button that I would be embarrassed to wear, even if I was for Barry. I also received my bumper sticker. I made a few improvements to it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Their Dads

I heard Megan McCain on the radio the other day, promoting her book about her father. I don't know if the RNC wrote it; I don't care. Here's an unauthorized excerpt from her book:
"My dad and the other prisoners were treated badly. He didn't get the right kind of medical care for his broken bones, and the food was really bad -- once he found a chicken foot in his lunch. ...But then my dad got a chance most prisoners didn't. Since he was an admiral's son, the Vietnamese who had captured him said they would let him go home. My dad was hurt, sick, and scared. But he knew there were some things more important than himself - like his faith in God, his country, and the men he served with. My dad wouldn't go home and leave his friends. I think only a great man would have made that choice."

She went on to describe the awards he was given:
"The Silver Star, the Legion of Merit, the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Bronze Star, and the Purple Heart."

Contrast that, if you will, to Barry's book "Dreams from My Father". Many believe it was written by Bill Ayers. I don't know if he wrote it and I don't care. Barry's father was a Socialist "elected" official in Kenya. This is not my opinion; it's a FACT.

Here's an unauthorized excerpt from his book:
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned. People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry althe time.

Since I haven't read the book, I must assume that Barry finds the dreams of his Socialist father to be desirable. Those who believe the same will vote for Barry.

The ACORN doesn't fall far from the tree.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Invasion of the Mind Snatchers

I feel like I'm a cast member of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers movie. Only, in this case, it's Invasion of the Mind Snatchers. One by one, the citizens of the U.S. are being mesmerized by a Svengali named Obama. "To resist is futile", they say. "Come into the light", is another mantra.

I can't wear my McCain buttons for fear of persecution. There is no reasoning with Barry supporters. They appear to be oblivious the the facts. Their deep-seated hatred of Bush makes them blind sheep.

Maybe if I go to sleep, I'll wake up and realize that this is all a bad dream. On the other hand, I might wake up as a mindless zombie. Maybe I better not go to sleep.

To Vote or Not to Vote

That is the question.
Other than firing the heads of AIG, I can't think of a single thing that I agree with in his policies, his platform or anything else about him. Barry believes that health care is a right. The U.S. has the most obese poor people in the world. Will Barry demand that these people loose 100 pounds before a triple-bypass surgery?

The more McCain opens his mouth, the less I like him. During the last debate, he spoke about re-evaluating the value of mortgages. It sure sounded socialist to me. And, man made global warming? He's off the deep end there too. I swear, if that man said, "working across the isle", one more time, I would have tossed dinner.

If these 2 are the best we have, then God help America!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Iran-Contra vs. Bill Ayers

Well, if this doesn’t show where the voter’s hearts are, I don’t know what will. Barry’s people are making a big deal about McCain being an inactive member of a group that was connected to the Iran-Contra Affair.

Let me get this straight…. It’s okay to have been an active member on the board of an organization whose agenda includes indoctrinating students to be anti-American. But, it’s not okay to be an inactive member of a group that fights world communism?

If McCain doesn’t use this to his advantage, then he’s stupider than I thought.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Taken from WikipediA:
Gravitas (from Latin) is a quality of substance or depth of personality.
Gravitas (specifically dignity, seriousness, and duty) is one of the several virtues that ancient Roman society expected men to possess, along with pietas, dignitas, and iustitia.

Is it a coincidence that the media has dropped the use of the word “gravitas”?
For the longest while, it seemed like every time I turned around, someone on TV, on the radio or in the paper was using the word “gravitas”. The media was expanding their vocabulary. What a wonderful thing. I had learned a new word! It became almost competitive to see who could use the word the most times in one sentence.

How many times have you heard the word used since Obama came on the scene? In light of the preferential treatment he has been given, could it be the fact that he has no substance that has led to the word never to be uttered again?

If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would say that the media joined together and agreed that gravitas was not important any more. Since it cannot be used in a positive way to describe Barry, the word no longer exists.

Bring back garvitas. I miss it!