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Saturday, January 31, 2009

What If?

What would the conversation be like if Algore were to meet his maker? Frankly, I don’t think that will ever happen. I believe Algore is as evil as a man can be without killing someone. But, suppose it did happen. Would it sound something like this?

“Hello Al,”
“Hello Lord.”
“What brought you to Me, Al?”
“Well, Lord, I was going to a man-made climate change conference in Brussels when the plane encountered flock of geese.”
“A private jet, Al?”
“Yes, Lord, but I planted a tree in Bolivia to offset the carbon I was creating. Lord, am I here because of all the good works I did to save the planet?”
“No Al, you are here because I want to know why you did what you did.”
“But, Lord, I was doing Your work.”
“No Al, I created you in My image and gave you dominion over the Earth. Instead of using it’s natural resources to improve mankind’s state, you created a world that cannot even support itself.”
“But, the CO2, Lord…. You know it’s a greenhouse gas.”
“Al, water vapor has more of an effect on the climate than CO2. Niagara Falls alone has more to do with the climate than all the cow and sheep flatulence in the entire world. Yet, you convinced New Zeeland to tax the gas from animals.”
“I know Lord, but we can’t control Niagara Falls. Perhaps I could if you could give me a little more time.”
“No Al, you have caused enough damage. It will take a while for humanity to realize you were wrong. What they need now is a plan to use the Earth’s abundance. Frankly Al, there are some that care more about migrating caribou than human life. That concerns Me, Al.”

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Shovels at the Ready

More than hitting the ground running, the Obama-ites are rivaling a tire smoking dragster launch as they deploy the economic Him-ulus package. "We don't have a moment to spare" is the chant spoken while setting out to pack as much as possible into the exploitable honeymoon period.
A complete, straightforward list of the Rescue Package contents has been impossible to find; but from what I have seen, the strategy is depressingly familiar. Instead of filling up the canal lock to lift the essential boats, the cash flood is instead being diverted off to water the many garden patches of government perceived "good guys" and designated winners. Head Start, the National Endowment for the Arts, infrastructure related to powerful unions, $300m for sexually transmitted disease education; you know the buzz phrase, all those "shovel ready" projects.
What are they shoveling?
Sadly, it looks like the S.O.S. in response to a national SOS.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Just Venting....

I normally don't listen to the radio between 5-7:00 PM. Mitch Albom has always been a pompous A.H., but at least he was interesting. Since the elections began, he is no longer interesting, he's annoying. I just heard a bit of his program today. He was discussing the newspaper reporter that threw the shoes at President Bush. Apparently the reporter is seeking asylum in Switzerland.

Albom's comments began, "Well, most of the people of Iraq agreed with him.....". I don't know if that is true, but lost is the fact that he would not even be alive today if this happened before the U.S. intervention. He would have been shot on the spot.

"Most of the people" in the U.S. voted for O'Bama. This IS true, but it sure doesn't make it right. Maybe Albom will write a book about him and Oprah can make a movie out of it.

I wonder what the temperature in Belize is right now....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Climate Change

The handwriting is on the wall. The eco-extremists see that "man-made global warming" can not be sold to the public. It has now morphed into "man-made climate change". It's a stroke of genius really. Now, everything can be blamed on man, not just "global warming".
The list of outcomes will include, but not be limited to:
Temperature (up or down)
Precipitation (snow or rain)
Typhoons and Hurricanes
Humidity (either too high or too low)
Barometric Pressure (up or down)
Wind (too strong or not enough)

For those that may not know it, this is commonly known as the seasons.