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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Shovels at the Ready

More than hitting the ground running, the Obama-ites are rivaling a tire smoking dragster launch as they deploy the economic Him-ulus package. "We don't have a moment to spare" is the chant spoken while setting out to pack as much as possible into the exploitable honeymoon period.
A complete, straightforward list of the Rescue Package contents has been impossible to find; but from what I have seen, the strategy is depressingly familiar. Instead of filling up the canal lock to lift the essential boats, the cash flood is instead being diverted off to water the many garden patches of government perceived "good guys" and designated winners. Head Start, the National Endowment for the Arts, infrastructure related to powerful unions, $300m for sexually transmitted disease education; you know the buzz phrase, all those "shovel ready" projects.
What are they shoveling?
Sadly, it looks like the S.O.S. in response to a national SOS.

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