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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Global Warming

Well, it's 0 degrees Fahrenheit outside and my thoughts turn to global warming. Wait til Barry gets in and fixes it. Imagine how cold it will be next year! What a pleasant relief! I think I'll make a gin fizz to drown my sorrows. No, wait, I'll need one of these:

And, I'll need some of these:

Yup, wait til Barry gets in..... no more seltzer water, no paintball guns and no Swiss Cheese.

How many carbon credits do you think will be attached to the purchase of seltzer bottle cartridges?
Come to think of it, active yeast cultures create CO2 in the process of making bread. That's why it's soft and full of holes. Beer, wine, CARBONated drinks.... all gone in an effort to save the planet.
I can't wait.... I think I need a drink.

Friday, November 28, 2008

St. Barton's ode:

"I am hurt, but I am not slain. I will lie me down and bleed awhile, then I will rise up and fight again."

I have no idea who St. Barton was, but I feel a kinship with him. I saw these words while looking something up on the web. They caught my eye and they captured my heart.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I just watched a Jim Jones special on MSNBC. I normally avoid MSNBC, but I was surfing today and the show caught my eye. I know the story of Jim Jones and the show’s presentation was noting special. The things that kept me glued to the TV were the similarities between Jones and our president-to-be.

Jones began as a preacher/community organizer and became an influential person in California government. The masses that followed Jones, ultimately to die in Guiana, each saw problems with Jones’ approach, yet none were willing to speak out. They all believed that the ends justified the means.

Jones attempted to create a utopia. While in California, he was everything to everybody. Those that needed shelter were given a roof over their heads. Those that needed food were fed and health care was given to those that had none.

Does any of this sound familiar? It ALL sounds familiar to me. If you oppose the pres-to-be, you are selfish. I’ll tell you how un-selfish I am. I would rather have a total collapse of the economy than to bailout every corporation that is now coming out of the woodwork. That includes the car companies. We are only delaying the inevitable.

Our pres-to-be will be creating jobs. They will be government jobs and since the government doesn’t create wealth, it will be welfare.

“Come my children… come and drink the Kool-Aid.”

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another ACORN Voter

His residence is a park bench somewhere in Ohio.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"Give Us Barrabas!"

I know how the followers of JC must have felt as Barrabas was set free.

McCain is no JC by ANY means. Frankly, I don't think he deserved to be elected. Bush did noting to defend himself. He said he didn't want to "bring politics to the presidency". As Bush did the "rope-a-dope" with Congress, it reflected badly on McCain. The "failed economic policies of Bush" that obama effectively used against McCain were due, in large part, to the ineffective leadership of Bush, not his policies. Bush tried to "reign in" sub-prime loans 20+ times. A real leader would have held a press conference after the first attempt, exposing the cads. If Bush had been a better leader, we wouldn't be where we are today.

McCain can now return to Congress and work across the aisle with his "friends" that constantly threw him under the bus.

I can't wait 'til I become a minority. Maybe then, my views and beliefs will have a voice. (My change of status is predicted to be around 2020.)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Count the Courageous

With all the recent talk about the unparalleled, brave new levels of participation in the voting process; for example, the same day registration plus voting for the Homeless in Ohio (where, indeed a park bench can be cited as a residence) it will be crucial to watch intently to what happens to the absentee ballots of the troops overseas. Comparing the fleetingly and strategically franchised with those who are truly committed could be instructive

Even the hint of any delivery delay invalidating a single vote should be reason enough to hold up the whole nasty process for as long as it takes for a full accounting.

I’d even be willing to endure a more days of political ads, and that’s no minor sacrifice.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's a trick, not a treat!!!

Be afraid, be very afraid!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I think this says it all.....

I don't know who Lisa Benson is, but she does good work.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Spreading It"

Spreading the wealth? Spreading the crap! That's what I heard this morning. I just heard Ron Gettelfinger's interview on WJR. When Paul W said spreading the wealth was Socialism, Gettelfinger laughed him of. He said, "you can put your political spin on....". Huh? It shouldn't have surprised me, but with the truth sitting on Gettelfinger's face, he doesn't recognize it. Or worse yet, he agrees with it.

Gettelfinger represents the majority of Barry supporters. They hear or see the truth, but they refuse to believe it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colon Powell

Well, Colon is now endorsing Barry. I guess he's looking for a place in the cabinet.

Driver's Licenses for Illegals?

Today, Barry announced he supported giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens. It's another great opportunity for McCain. Will he jump on it, or will he let this one pass? Time will tell.

If giving them licenses is going to be a sting operation, I'm all for it. They come in to get their licenses and we deport them. Pretty neat idea.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thank You moveon.org

I finally received my bama button from moveon. It is a chintzy stamped button that I would be embarrassed to wear, even if I was for Barry. I also received my bumper sticker. I made a few improvements to it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Their Dads

I heard Megan McCain on the radio the other day, promoting her book about her father. I don't know if the RNC wrote it; I don't care. Here's an unauthorized excerpt from her book:
"My dad and the other prisoners were treated badly. He didn't get the right kind of medical care for his broken bones, and the food was really bad -- once he found a chicken foot in his lunch. ...But then my dad got a chance most prisoners didn't. Since he was an admiral's son, the Vietnamese who had captured him said they would let him go home. My dad was hurt, sick, and scared. But he knew there were some things more important than himself - like his faith in God, his country, and the men he served with. My dad wouldn't go home and leave his friends. I think only a great man would have made that choice."

She went on to describe the awards he was given:
"The Silver Star, the Legion of Merit, the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Bronze Star, and the Purple Heart."

Contrast that, if you will, to Barry's book "Dreams from My Father". Many believe it was written by Bill Ayers. I don't know if he wrote it and I don't care. Barry's father was a Socialist "elected" official in Kenya. This is not my opinion; it's a FACT.

Here's an unauthorized excerpt from his book:
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned. People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry althe time.

Since I haven't read the book, I must assume that Barry finds the dreams of his Socialist father to be desirable. Those who believe the same will vote for Barry.

The ACORN doesn't fall far from the tree.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Invasion of the Mind Snatchers

I feel like I'm a cast member of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers movie. Only, in this case, it's Invasion of the Mind Snatchers. One by one, the citizens of the U.S. are being mesmerized by a Svengali named Obama. "To resist is futile", they say. "Come into the light", is another mantra.

I can't wear my McCain buttons for fear of persecution. There is no reasoning with Barry supporters. They appear to be oblivious the the facts. Their deep-seated hatred of Bush makes them blind sheep.

Maybe if I go to sleep, I'll wake up and realize that this is all a bad dream. On the other hand, I might wake up as a mindless zombie. Maybe I better not go to sleep.

To Vote or Not to Vote

That is the question.
Other than firing the heads of AIG, I can't think of a single thing that I agree with in his policies, his platform or anything else about him. Barry believes that health care is a right. The U.S. has the most obese poor people in the world. Will Barry demand that these people loose 100 pounds before a triple-bypass surgery?

The more McCain opens his mouth, the less I like him. During the last debate, he spoke about re-evaluating the value of mortgages. It sure sounded socialist to me. And, man made global warming? He's off the deep end there too. I swear, if that man said, "working across the isle", one more time, I would have tossed dinner.

If these 2 are the best we have, then God help America!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Iran-Contra vs. Bill Ayers

Well, if this doesn’t show where the voter’s hearts are, I don’t know what will. Barry’s people are making a big deal about McCain being an inactive member of a group that was connected to the Iran-Contra Affair.

Let me get this straight…. It’s okay to have been an active member on the board of an organization whose agenda includes indoctrinating students to be anti-American. But, it’s not okay to be an inactive member of a group that fights world communism?

If McCain doesn’t use this to his advantage, then he’s stupider than I thought.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Taken from WikipediA:
Gravitas (from Latin) is a quality of substance or depth of personality.
Gravitas (specifically dignity, seriousness, and duty) is one of the several virtues that ancient Roman society expected men to possess, along with pietas, dignitas, and iustitia.

Is it a coincidence that the media has dropped the use of the word “gravitas”?
For the longest while, it seemed like every time I turned around, someone on TV, on the radio or in the paper was using the word “gravitas”. The media was expanding their vocabulary. What a wonderful thing. I had learned a new word! It became almost competitive to see who could use the word the most times in one sentence.

How many times have you heard the word used since Obama came on the scene? In light of the preferential treatment he has been given, could it be the fact that he has no substance that has led to the word never to be uttered again?

If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would say that the media joined together and agreed that gravitas was not important any more. Since it cannot be used in a positive way to describe Barry, the word no longer exists.

Bring back garvitas. I miss it!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

We Must Tell the King the Sky is Falling!

No need to tell the king. He is here to tell us.

When I think of climate change, I think of traveling from the Bahamas to the North Pole or the seasons going from summer to fall. Unfortunately for some, climate change means the melting of the polar ice caps and the demise of the world, as we know it. King Gustaf of Sweden graced the Dearborn area with his presence on Friday. Meeting with Governor Granholm, the good king proudly announced that Sweden is a perfect example of how a country can be successful while reducing greenhouse gases (CO2). Apparently, the makers of the world famous Swiss army knives have found a way to forge steel and mold plastic without creating these dangerous gases. Chances are; they are trading carbon credits with basket weavers in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Governor Arnold was re-emphasizing his disagreement with Bush regarding climate change. Arnie has no problem with people pollution (illegal aliens). But, he is very concerned about the potential of polar bears drowning a hundred years from now. BTW, Arnie is much less imposing since he got off the steroids. He even looks a little emaciated now. So, I’m not concerned he will kick my butt for saying this.

John McCain even mentioned climate change during the debates last night. Note to John, et al: Man’s affect on global warming is negligible.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bottom Feeder Empowerment

For now, the current financial crisis seems to exist as a simply bewildering cloud of threat. It seems too sprawling and complex to be fully grasped and too massive and abstract to actually seem personal (so far).

Much of the eye glazing (brain glazing, really) for me at least comes from those dollar sum prefixes. A million is something major; a billion is many millions, and a trillion is that next big sum as we move up the ladder. And we’re hearing trillions tossed around more and more lately in this cloud of threat. So, how much is a trillion?

A stack of $100 bills equal to $1 million is about 4ft. A billion is 4,000 ft. A trillion is 789 miles.

In seconds, one million = 11 days; a trillion = 32,000 years.

At a spending rate of $1,000/day, a $ trillion would last 2.7 million years.

Breathtaking sums for those making something under $50/hr. (who would need at least 9.5 million years to earn that trillion). An impossible reach up, yet the toxins which now have the markets staggering all began with financial titans reaching down to woo struggling peckerwoods like us.

Seductive logic, overreaching, and the bogus notion that houses could never lose value set this killer circus in motion. And it’s amazing that this towering system, circulating uncountable sums of money, could be crippled by the side effects of dancing with bottom feeders like us.

My, my don’t we all feel empowered?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

moveon's Latest.... kinda :)

moveon.org is selling t-shirts with this artwork. I hope they don't mind the adjustments I made to it.
(No, I didn't mess with his face. He really looks like he's asleep in the original!)

Scenes We'd Like to See

Here’s a movie plot idea that you will never see.
With all the concerns about carbon credits and carbon footprints, what if Hollywood (great promoters of the scam) was to do a movie about making a movie without a carbon footprint?
Here’s the scenario:
An environmentally conscious Producer wants to make a movie with no carbon footprint.
Action (blow ‘em up) sequences are considered, but not embraced because of the billowing black smoke.
Movie lights are deemed unusable because of the high amounts of electricity required to run them.
Catering trucks are banned because of the CO2 output.
The Producer tries desperately to find someone to trade carbon credits with (i.e. basket weavers in Indonesia).
Ultimately, the Producer comes to the conclusion that carbon dioxide is not such a bad thing. We all exhale CO2 and plants use it to make more O2 for us.
Too bad we’ll never see it.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Plan to foreclose

Have you heard the latest amoral enterprise? It's plantoforeclose.com http://plantoforeclose.com/index.html

Here's their selling point: "You're going to lose your house anyway, plan to foreclose. Live in your own house rent free for up to 18 months."

The expert they quote is a nut-case financial adviser on CNBC.

This reminds me of the "Don't Waste Your Money" segment on channel 7 in Detroit. She advised people not to waste the Economic Stimulus Package money on new purchases. She recommended paying down credit card debts and mortgages; the exact opposite of the intent of the bill.

plantoforeclose.com is bizarre concept that should be outlawed, not promoted. People will be foreclosed on without planning. We don't need people promoting it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Makes You Go, huh?

When I was in the Army, I had a Top Secret Crypto clearance. A few of the guys I went through training with were not able to get their clearances. They became truck drivers.

The United States is on the verge of possibly electing a person that would never be able to get a clearance because of his dubious past. Yet, this person may become the Commander-in-Chief of the greatest military force in the world.

It’s a sobering thought.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ant Bonnie

Can someone tell me when it became normal to pronounce aunt “ahnt”? This is another one that happened while I was napping. I’m 58 and have called my aunts “ant” my whole life. People that can’t even conjugate a sentence want to appear sophisticated and pronounce the word “ahnt”.

Just some suggestions.....
1) Stop using double negatives.
2) Start using the proper verb tense.
3) Then, start calling your aunt, "ahnt".

You'll sound a lot more intelligent and sophisticated.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Fear of Becoming a Red Neck?

Baseball hats serve a purpose. They keep the sun off the top of your head and shade your eyes from the sun. Today, some wearers appear to have stepped off the set of an Our Gang Show. The brim isn’t coming close to shading his eyes. To say it looks stupid would be an understatement.
The rest of the cap wearers look like catchers on a baseball team that just took their masks off. Jeff Foxworthy must have put a real fear into these folks. They are guarding the back of their necks from the rays of the sun.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Palin not Wan

It’s fun to realize who (and how many) are being driven crazy by the ascendancy of Sarah Palin.

Think of it: in upward mobility, wielding power, gutsy confrontations, and even the use of firearms she’s on an even footing with all the big guys. She has attractive and mannerly children, a collaborative husband, a stage presence, and is not the least bit disturbing to look at.

All this is to say she totally embodies the Feminist ideal, but she comes from the wrong side!

What’s more, she didn’t have the good form to simply stop with this initial stuff. She has the nerve to be pro drilling, enough moxie to have an active faith, and the temerity to be pro life. What (or Who?) has the feminist world come to?

Straight Pipes

Did noise abatement laws change when I was asleep, or are motorcycle riders now “thumbing their noses” at the law? It is rare these days to see (hear) a bike with a muffler. Yea, I know, it’s a “safety thing” to be able to hear the biker coming. But, I don’t need to hear it from a ½ mile away.

There’s probably not many bikers out there that can read, so could you do me a favor and tell them that there is law against disturbing the peace? Someone needs to do it, since law enforcement won’t.

Pull Your Pants Up!

Wearing pants with the belt line around the thighs is another phenomenon that defies sensibility and practicality. Those that practice this bizarre habit walk like a one year old with a load in his diapers.

I love to see perps running from the scene of a crime and be tripped by their falling pants.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bed Hair

Something that happened while I was napping is “bed hair”. People actually pay money to make them look like they just got out of bed. Many movie stars, TV personalities and entertainers have embraced this as the norm. It must have begun when one of the aforementioned people was late for an appointment.

A child told the king he had no clothes. Someone must tell these folks that bed hair is not a good look.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dear Barry

I received a letter from the DNC, requesting a donation. I immediately tore it up and threw it into the trash. Then, it occurred to me, I could send a letter in the postage paid envelope at his expense, telling him what I really thought about him. I taped it back together. Of course, I also added a few more bits of paper, hopefully putting it over the weight limit, costing him more. Gosh, I hope he gets a chance to read it. The following is that letter.

Dear Barry,

I apologize for the tape. I tore up your letter before I realized that I could use the opportunity to tell you what I believe in.

I believe you are a huckster with a track record of not choosing you friends and acquaintances wisely.

I believe you are a politician, just like all the others.

I believe you are a Socialist at heart with the intent of not only redistributing wealth within the U.S., but you intend to eliminate world poverty with money the U.S. doesn’t even have. If you are going to do anything, make Social Security a viable enterprise. Help the U.S., Barry!

I believe you will bring the country down to a level comparable to what we had before the industrial revolution with the help of your friend Algore.

I believe you will take one of the best health care systems in the world and mirror the crumby health system of Canada. Barry, in case you are not aware, they come to the U.S. for treatment! Where will the Canadians for treatment if they can’t come here. You’re an international guy, Barry. Have pity on our neighbors to the north, even if you don’t care for us.

I believe you lack integrity sir. I believe your words are hollow and have no substance.

You are not the anti-Christ. I don’t give you that much credit.