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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Scenes We'd Like to See

Here’s a movie plot idea that you will never see.
With all the concerns about carbon credits and carbon footprints, what if Hollywood (great promoters of the scam) was to do a movie about making a movie without a carbon footprint?
Here’s the scenario:
An environmentally conscious Producer wants to make a movie with no carbon footprint.
Action (blow ‘em up) sequences are considered, but not embraced because of the billowing black smoke.
Movie lights are deemed unusable because of the high amounts of electricity required to run them.
Catering trucks are banned because of the CO2 output.
The Producer tries desperately to find someone to trade carbon credits with (i.e. basket weavers in Indonesia).
Ultimately, the Producer comes to the conclusion that carbon dioxide is not such a bad thing. We all exhale CO2 and plants use it to make more O2 for us.
Too bad we’ll never see it.

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