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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Palin not Wan

It’s fun to realize who (and how many) are being driven crazy by the ascendancy of Sarah Palin.

Think of it: in upward mobility, wielding power, gutsy confrontations, and even the use of firearms she’s on an even footing with all the big guys. She has attractive and mannerly children, a collaborative husband, a stage presence, and is not the least bit disturbing to look at.

All this is to say she totally embodies the Feminist ideal, but she comes from the wrong side!

What’s more, she didn’t have the good form to simply stop with this initial stuff. She has the nerve to be pro drilling, enough moxie to have an active faith, and the temerity to be pro life. What (or Who?) has the feminist world come to?

1 comment:

T L said...

Well said, GS. Despite the attempts of the media and celebrities, The McPalin ticket is still gaining popularity.

I found out this AM that Matt Damon was questioning the governor's credentials. He also sited actuary tables that predicted McCain's demise. Who would have thought Damon would even know what an actuary table is?