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Saturday, September 27, 2008

We Must Tell the King the Sky is Falling!

No need to tell the king. He is here to tell us.

When I think of climate change, I think of traveling from the Bahamas to the North Pole or the seasons going from summer to fall. Unfortunately for some, climate change means the melting of the polar ice caps and the demise of the world, as we know it. King Gustaf of Sweden graced the Dearborn area with his presence on Friday. Meeting with Governor Granholm, the good king proudly announced that Sweden is a perfect example of how a country can be successful while reducing greenhouse gases (CO2). Apparently, the makers of the world famous Swiss army knives have found a way to forge steel and mold plastic without creating these dangerous gases. Chances are; they are trading carbon credits with basket weavers in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Governor Arnold was re-emphasizing his disagreement with Bush regarding climate change. Arnie has no problem with people pollution (illegal aliens). But, he is very concerned about the potential of polar bears drowning a hundred years from now. BTW, Arnie is much less imposing since he got off the steroids. He even looks a little emaciated now. So, I’m not concerned he will kick my butt for saying this.

John McCain even mentioned climate change during the debates last night. Note to John, et al: Man’s affect on global warming is negligible.

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