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Sunday, November 16, 2008


I just watched a Jim Jones special on MSNBC. I normally avoid MSNBC, but I was surfing today and the show caught my eye. I know the story of Jim Jones and the show’s presentation was noting special. The things that kept me glued to the TV were the similarities between Jones and our president-to-be.

Jones began as a preacher/community organizer and became an influential person in California government. The masses that followed Jones, ultimately to die in Guiana, each saw problems with Jones’ approach, yet none were willing to speak out. They all believed that the ends justified the means.

Jones attempted to create a utopia. While in California, he was everything to everybody. Those that needed shelter were given a roof over their heads. Those that needed food were fed and health care was given to those that had none.

Does any of this sound familiar? It ALL sounds familiar to me. If you oppose the pres-to-be, you are selfish. I’ll tell you how un-selfish I am. I would rather have a total collapse of the economy than to bailout every corporation that is now coming out of the woodwork. That includes the car companies. We are only delaying the inevitable.

Our pres-to-be will be creating jobs. They will be government jobs and since the government doesn’t create wealth, it will be welfare.

“Come my children… come and drink the Kool-Aid.”

1 comment:

T L said...

I made a statement in this post regarding an auto industry "bailout". I now understand that what the auto companies are asking for is a bridge "loan", NOT a bailout. Is this a "flip/flop"? By some standards, perhaps, but a change of one's position after learning the facts is a good thing. With the exceptions of McCotter and Levin on Capital Hill, these people (Congress) are an embarrassment. I had the opportunity to watch the CEOs of the big 3 being grilled by the same people that made it necessary for me to flush my toilet twice (an unintentional consequence if a "1 gallon flush" mandate).

Since I was watching the proceedings streaming live, I was able to see the protesters rant as after the sessions ended. "Think green, move on", was the chant. The "move on" sounded familiar. These are the people (the squeaky wheels) driving the process. It's too bad the majority doesn't speak with a louder voice.