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Monday, June 1, 2009

Welcome to Bizzarro World

Today marks the day that a passport or "enhanced" ID is required for a U.S. citizen to reenter the U.S. Yet, our boarders to the south remain open to anyone who wants to wade across the Rio Grande. The fence remains incomplete.

A tax cheat is in charge of the IRS. Other tax cheats are in the President's Cabinet.

An anti-gun judge is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

The financial system of the U.S. has collapsed and instead of investigating the root cause and fixing it, Congress has discussed steroid use by baseball players and they are scheduling hearings about collegiate football bowls games.

Trillions of dollars are being spent for "bailouts", yet foreclosures continue and the economy continues its downward spiral.

Legislation has been written to make America energy independent, yet we cannot drill our own oil or build new nuclear power plants. At the same time, we are "assisting" the United Arab Emirates in building nuclear facilities to meet their "increasing energy needs".

Co2 has been declared a "greenhouse gas". We will soon be taxed for the air we breathe.

We will soon have government run health care that will have a efficiency of the Post Office and the compassion of the IRS.

Pravda reports the news more honestly that the media in the U.S. Pravda

I'm hoping that those that voted for change will change their vote in 2010.

1 comment:

T L said...

Please feel free to ass to the list.